MyALARM2 - security, relay, clamps, grey color, MY2S-R-0-M-G Seneca

Price (wo VAT):
340.00 EUR
In stock: 0 (on request)
In stock: 2 pcs
Total (wo VAT)
340.00 EUR
Code: MY2SR0MG
Application: Heating system control , Automatic gate management , Irrigation plants control , Timed automations , Temperature Acquisition , Enery consumption monitoring , Gas leaks monitoring , Black out control , Access Control , Alarms for maintenance people , Domotic plant control
Color: Grey
Extra: SD karte reģistrācijai
Ingress protection: IP20
Interface: USB - pie datora vai Android OS telefona
Manufacturer: Seneca
Power supply: 6..15 DC
SMS-Alerts: SMS/Emails
wireless type: GSM/GPRS

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