
How to reduce the electricity bill with a timer clock?

October 4, 2022
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How to reduce the electricity bill with a timer clock?-0

It seems that electricity prices will not decrease in the near future. We can no longer imagine our everyday life without electricity and it is also impossible to work by candlelight. We all depend on electricity. In order to reduce electricity costs, effective solutions should be implemented not only in company production plants, but also in offices and households - apartments, houses, summer houses and many other places.

It's the last moment to do the necessary work that will reduce your electricity bills. Are you ready for it? In this article, we offer to get acquainted with the products tested by our ZTF LĀSMA customers, with the help of which electricity consumption can be reduced up to 10,000 euros per year.




Reduce electricity bills up to 10,000 EUR per year!

We introduce you to a great helper in energy saving! It is an astronomical clock or automatic time relay. It is a great device that allows you to control the operation of other electrical equipment without the physical presence of a person. For example, for adjusting lighting, heating water, turning on or off various electrical equipment. Its application can significantly improve energy efficiency, as a result of which it is possible to reduce electricity costs. In the following article, we will look at the classification of this time relay, the main application possibilities, as well as give a brief insight into the technical parameters.

First of all, time relays should be selected according to their application. They fall into two parts: astronomical time relays and mechanical and digital time relays. Astronomical time relays are used when it is necessary to indicate the exact day and time of the week for switching on and off the electrical equipment. With the automatic switch on and off option, we can save electricity without wasting it unnecessarily. For example, adjusting the lighting in a factory or summer house, controlling a heat pump or a hot water boiler at home, or monitoring alarm bells and signal lamps in schools and factories. Any other device connected to electricity can also be regulated.

Application of astronomical time relays and timers:

  • for indoor and outdoor lighting control;
  • for switching on and off heat pump boilers;
  • for opening and closing gates;
  • in schools or factories to initiate a work signal or break.

Regardless of the day of the week, the electricity timer helps you turn on or off an electricity consumer. For example: lighting in the stairwell or waiting room; facade lighting; in various water supply facilities; production equipment nodes and elsewhere. It should be emphasized that this takes into account the operating periods or timelines you specify.

Technical parameters of the astronomical time relay:

  • Period: one week
  • Relay output: 2x 16 A
  • Takes up as much space in the distribution as 2 circuit breakers
  • Voltage: AC 230 V (AC 50/60 Hz)
  • Size: 90 x 35 x 64 mm (3.5˝ x1.4˝ x 2.5˝)

Main advantages:

  • energy-efficient solution;
  • controls energy consumption and helps save;
  • easy to install;
  • available in our warehouse - Riga;
  • consultation of professional industry specialists.

We will help you save money and automate the operation of equipment!

ZTF Lāsma is one of the leading specialists in the field of automation and offers not only individual components for improving energy efficiency, but also a wide range of services that successfully solve individual energy efficiency problems. Our experienced engineers will help you choose the most suitable solution and save money. 

Other articles and videos about time relays:

  1. Liquid volume control with Elko EP
  2. Siemens LOGO! setting the functions of time relays
  3. Digital time relay CRM-100 - optimal performance
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Mārtiņš Kāns
Mārtiņš Kāns
Project Division Manager
+371 2910 0172