
Browse webpages with Weintek HMI

June 2, 2021
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 With the growing popularity of the Internet of Things (IoT), the new generation PLC supports a built-in web server, allowing the user to change system parameters and keep track of device status directlu in web page. 

Following this trend, Weintek has added a PLC web browser function to the CMT-X series visualization panels. The PLC browsing feature allows you to access web pages, without using a dedicated web browsing device and leading to 

  • Increase in operational efficiency
  • Costsaving   

PLC web browser funcion supports 

  • HTTPS and HTML5 webpages  

With the support of a web browser, the Weintek HMI provides even greater connectivity and plays an even more important role in automated production systems.


PLC web browser function supports: cMT3072X, cMT3072XH, cMT3092X, cMT3151X and cMT3162X

Contact the manager
Pēteris Žerbiņš
Pēteris Žerbiņš
PLC / HMI / Interface Specialist
+371 2860 3305