
Video from the second ONLINE SESSION: First steps in the development and functionality of Weintek HMI visualization

September 23, 2021
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Video from the second ONLINE SESSION: First steps in the development and functionality of Weintek HMI visualization-0

After getting acquainted with the Weintek visualization development environment and functionality, we organized two online sessions! If you did not have time to participate, then it will be possible to watch videos of the online session here.

In the first session, we looked at things like:

  • EBpro acquisition, supported PLCs and protocols.
  • Input and display of discrete and analog values.
  • Attribution of values to visual objects.
  • Adding libraries.
  • Video input and streaming.

In the second session we learned how to install:

  • Data sampling, graph display, history display.
  • Error monitoring (Alarm log) and error history.
Contact the manager
Pēteris Žerbiņš
Pēteris Žerbiņš
PLC / HMI / Interface Specialist
+371 2860 3305