
Topicalities of the research project in the second quarter of 2020

June 20, 2020
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Topicalities of the research project in the second quarter of 2020-0

IT kompetences centrs in accordance with the agreement No. concluded with the Central Finance and Contracts Agency on May 9, 2019. implements the project “Information and Communication Technology Competence Center”.

In the second quarter of 2020, the project continues the implementation of all initially approved studies and launches two new research projects. The fourth request for payment has been prepared and submitted, and meetings of both the heads of scientific fields and the council are held regularly, where the progress of the implemented research and the achieved results are reviewed. In the emergency situation regarding the spread of Covid-19 due to national restrictions, all meetings took place remotely. The remote work and the canceled measures have in some cases led to changes in the timing of the research, but in general the implementation of the research has not been significantly affected.

“WeAreDots” and " LASMA" research No. 1.12 “Multi-object detection and tracking for vehicle traffic monitoring: 3D-LiDAR and camera data integration” started in April 2020, simultaneously implementing activity 1 of the industrial research “Investigation of LiDAR type scanner operation principles and their influencing factors” and experimental development activity 1 "Getting Started with LiDAR Scanners".

The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund Operational Program "Growth and Employment" 1.2.1. Specific aid objective "Increase private sector investment in R&D" Measure "Support for the development of new products and technologies within centers of excellence.

Contact the manager
Lauris Bērziņš
Lauris Bērziņš
Business manager
+371 2617 7129