
Efficient energy monitoring with Weintek HMI

November 21, 2022
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Efficient energy monitoring with Weintek HMI-0

As global energy costs goes up, there is an increased focus on more efficient energy management. We are all still looking for ways to optimize the amount of consumed kWh. In this article, we will help you become more enlighten in subject of optimizing the consumed electricity.

The first step to reducing consumption is to be aware of how much a particular machine or process is consuming now. All this, of course, can be solved with energy meters and analyzers, all that remains is to record the readings and then further visualize and analyze the data.

Data visualization analysis usually turns out to be a challenging process. Data processing, creation of the visualization concept and analysis usually have to be done from "scratch". Weintek cMT-X advanced series panels will ease the energy monitoring visualization dilemma for you. With the built-in Energy Demand function, you can estimate the required amount of energy needed. It is calculated based on the total consumption during a certain period of time. You only need to set two parameters:

  • request update frequency
  • duration of the request

The calculated required energy and threshold limits can be viewed in the Energy Demand Display object. In addition, analytical parameters such as:

  • Highest value of the current day's required energy
  • Highest required energy time/date of the current day
  • Previous day's highest required energy value
  • previous day's highest required energy time/date
  • highest value of the required amount of energy for the current month
  • highest required energy time/date of the current month
  • highest value of the required amount of energy of the last month
  • last month's required energy time/date

Weintek cMT-X Advanced series HMI has built-in communication support for Panasonic Eco-POWER METER meters KW1M and KW9M. Any meter from which the HMI can read the total energy consumption value can be used for this function. The Seneca energy meters and network analyzers offered by our company will elegantly fulfill this function in tandem with the Weintek HMI.

This monitoring object is flexible, as it can be used with a wide range of meters - drinking water, waste water and gas meters, with which relevant analysis can be made.

Weintek Application of the Weintek HMI Energy Demand function

  • Fixing the amount of demanded energy
  • Monitoring changes
  • Detection of technical faults
  • Process planning

Weintek HMI technical parameters

  • Screen sizes: 7, 10.1, 15.6'
  • Compatible energy meters with  Ethernet, RS485, RS232 ports
  • Up to 128 meters ca be connected

Advantages of Weintek HMI

  • Built-in  support for Panasonic energy meters
  • Any energy meter from which the HMI can read the total energy consumption can be used
  • Ready to use energy monitoring application


Other articles and videos about energy meters, energy consumption visualization and Weintek HMI

  1. Reading Seneca network analyzer data in Modbus network
  2. Seneca energy meter with Rogowski coils
  3. Remote Seneca meter reading using Weintek HMI and Tosibox
  4. SENECA energy counters with MID certificate
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Pēteris Žerbiņš
Pēteris Žerbiņš
PLC / HMI / Interface Specialist
+371 2860 3305