Current control with AC adapter and Pixsys controller

A way to accurately determine the current and, if necessary, turn off the production equipment
A current transformer with a 4-20mA signal is used, respectively a certain value is entered with the help of Pixsys, at which the relay is operated and the production equipment is switched off with the help of a contactor. Of course, you can only trigger


Applicable to any equipment, including electric motors


Easy to install and accurate solution, not only for monitoring but also for protection


Required - Current transformer with 4-20mA output signal and Pixsys controller (controllers can have anyone with 4-20mA input)


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Code: ATR144ABC
In stock: 5+ pcs In stock: 0 (on request)
106.00 EUR (w/o VAT)
Code: T201
In stock: 5+ pcs In stock: 0 (on request)
54.00 EUR (w/o VAT)
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Pēteris Žerbiņš
Pēteris Žerbiņš
PLC / HMI / Interface Specialist
+371 2860 3305
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